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Q: What are the symptoms of lead poisoning?
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What is lead poisoning and what are the symptoms?

Lead poisoning occurs when people ingest lead. There can be lead in soil and some types of house paint. Also, some types of costume jewelry and toys made out of lead can cause poisoning. Touching lead and putting hands around the mouth can cause it to get in the body. Symptoms in severe cases can be digestive problems, headaches or fatigue. The symptoms tend to mimic other conditions, so testing needs to be done to see if it is lead or not. Blood tests and urine tests are done to check for lead poisoning.

What are some of the symptoms of asbestos poisoning?

Asbestos poisoning is a serious health risk. There are a number of symptoms associated with asbestos poisoning. Some of the symptoms are chest pain, coughing, coughing up mucous, and loss of appetite. Asbestos poisoning may lead to a type of cancer called Mesothelioma.

What are the signs of lead poisoning?

Signs of lead poisoning are subtle and hard to detect. Yet there are still symptoms like insomnia, delirium, cognitive defects., tremor, hallucinations and convulsions.

Which pollutes the water more lead copper or zinc?

Lead is the most dangerous, as it can bring to lead poisoning, which symptoms include seizures, coma and death.

What are the symptoms of rust poisoning?

The symptoms of rust poisoning are the same as the symptoms of Tetanus. Those symptoms include fever, hand and foot spasms and excessive drooling. Other symptoms of rust poisoning are excessive sweating and trouble swallowing.

What are symptoms of lead poisoning?

The symptoms of chronic lead poisoning (which are most often seen in children) include neurological problems such as reduced IQ, hearing problems, slow body growth, behavior problems and kidney damage. Acute lead poisoning symptoms include nausea, abdominal pain, irritability, insomnia(sleeping problems), metal taste in oral cavity, excess lethargy(fatigue) or hyperactivity, headache and, in extreme cases, seizure and coma.

How can you tell if you have lead poisoning?

Lead poisoning is slow to develop and the initial symptoms subtle, so you cannot tell directly until the damage is irreversible. The only way to tell is by a blood or hair test for lead levels. If the levels are found to be high, treatment by chelation should begin immediately to remove the lead from your body.

What are the symptoms of tattoo poisoning?

Some of the Symptoms of Tattoo Poisoning are swollen skin and irritation. Other symptoms are flaky skin, rashes and even dry skin.

What are the symptoms in the human body of poisoning by industrial paint?

There is a lot of symptoms for paint poisoning. Here are just a few: Difficulty swallowing, Rapid Heart Beat, Shallow Breathing, Dizziness, Abdominal Pain, and Diarrhea. Paint Poisoning symptoms are similar to Flu symptoms.

Who first had lead poisoning?

There is some evidence that ancient, prehistoric peoples who smelted lead and tin suffered from lead poisoning.

Can a mechanical pencil give you lead poisoning?

Due to the fact that most pencil lead is graphite, you can't get lead poisoning. :)

Can you get lead poisoning from lead flashing?
