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Q: What are the teaching of Islam about lawful earning?
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Why did Muhammad preach about wealth?

Earning wealth through lawful means and spending it on lawful means is what Islam lays stress on. It is, however, preferable that one should help the needy and spend one's earnings for charitable purposes. The first who deserve charity are one's near and dear ones, then neighbours, then orphans, then the needy and so on. Earning wealth by deception, fraud, usury, oppression, threat etc is unlawful and HARAAM in Islam. Islam is against the accumulation of wealth in a few hands.

Is mutah lawful?

100% forbidden in Islam. No doubt about it.

When did Muhammad begin teaching about Islam?

Muhammad started teaching Islam religion in the year of 610 A.D

What religion is based on the teachings of Muhammad?

Islam is the religion based on the teaching of Muhammad.

What is the difference between haram and illegal earning and is illegal earning also considered as haram?

Haram earning is earning that is obtained through forbidden acts per Islam religion, such as gambling, selling alcohols, robbery, cheating, etc.. Illegal earning is earning that is obtained through unlawful acts such as robbery. All illegal earnings are haram earnings per Islam religion. However, in some countries not all haram earning are illegal earnings. For example, in some countries, gambling and alcohol selling earnings are haram per Islam religion but legal in these countries.

What is the difference between the term Islam and Muslim?

Islam is the religion Muslim is the person who follows Islam's teaching

What was the main teaching of prophet Mohammad?

the main teaching prophet was to preach islam

Does Islam celebrate Anniversaries?

Islam has laid down the rules of earning by Halal (lawful) means and spending in Halal way. Islam also dislikes snobbery. It also dislike useless activities. However, celebrating Anniversaries is not Haram in Islam. Islam respects the culture of different nations. If it is following the culture of Christians or Jews or any other religion, it is disliked by The last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (may peace be upon him). A Muslim's celebration is worship of Allah Almighty and offering Nawafil - Prayer and thanks giving - Shukrana.

What is the concept of marketing promotion in Islam?

It is lawful in Islam for legitimate businesses to advertise their products. ÊAdvertisements should be truthful and should not include indecent language or images.

Do Islam spread terror?

No one else in the teaching of Islam (the Qur'an) which ordered his people to terror.

What are the teachings of Mohammed called?

The teachings of Mohammad are also known as the teaching of Islam. Islam is a religion of the Muslim people. The teaching are recorded in the Koran also known as the Quran.

What is hallal?

hallal is something lawful and permitted in islam, whereas haram is unlawful and foribbidean in islam. you also have to cut the meat the right way and say the fatiha (a sura in the quran)