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suits, telescopes, spectroscope, spacecraft and rocket

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Q: What are the technological tools and devices for space exploration?
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What technological tools and devices are needed for space exploration?

space suits

What are some tools and devices used for space travel?

some space tools are hammers and scoops

What is the use of space shuttles?

The are reusable space exploration tools, and they are used for satellite repairs and ISS construction.

What are the five exploration tools?

what are the five exploration tools

What is the use of shuttle?

The are reusable space exploration tools, and they are used for satellite repairs and ISS construction.

What is Technological Resources?

Technical resources are the necessary resources or tools that you need to do a job. They include the devices and information that give students help with questions.

What was the main accompaniment of exploration?

The main accompaniment of exploration was technological advancements, such as improved navigational tools, better ships, and the development of new trade routes. These innovations allowed explorers to venture further from home and discover new lands.

What are some space tools and devices?

some tools in space are RADAR, is a system for locating unseen objects the reflections of frequency radio waves. Another tool for space is the hubble space telescope (HST). Another space tool is a space suit so you can breate oxygen if you are outside the space shuttle.

Can you name some tools and devices needed for space travel?

there is the radar hubble space craft mars rover telescope x-ray for space first rocket

What types of data and information do these technological tools collect?

Tools such as satellites, space shuttles, and telescopes are used to explore space. Satellites take photos of certain objects in space depending on the mission. Obviously, space shuttles contain humans that are sent on a mission to explore certain object in space. Telescopes are used from Earth.

In what two ways did technological innovations lead to the age of exploration?

Technological innovations like improved navigational tools (such as the compass and astrolabe) allowed explorers to more accurately navigate across oceans. Additionally, advancements in shipbuilding, like the development of the caravel and improvements in sail design, enabled ships to sail longer distances and withstand harsher conditions, making long-distance exploration more feasible.

What are 3 technological tools that help scientists?

A thermometer