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The full name of those statues is Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang, Terracotta Army or Terracotta Warriors for short. In Chinese, they are called Bing Ma Yong (兵马俑).

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Q: What are the terracotta statues of soldiers called?
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Why did the terracotta statues have different facial expressions?

The Terracotta soldiers were sculpted from actual Chinese soldiers

Why are they called Terracotta Warriors?

Because they are warrior-like statues made of terracotta (a kind of clay). Actually, they were modelled after the best soldiers of Qin Shihuang. However, 'terracotta warriors', 'terracotta soldiers' or 'terracotta army' are all general terms, their full name is 'Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang' since they are called '秦始皇兵马俑' in Chinese.

Were there musicians in the Terracotta Army?

No, there was no musician statues in the Terracotta Army. Because the army was used to guard emperor's tomb, they were all soldier statues. However, there could be some soldiers who were formerly musicians, that possibility cannot be excluded.

What where the terracotta soldiers made of?


Was the terracotta soldiers built under gound?

No, these statues were made in many workshops scattered around the emperor's mausoleum, then assembled, arranged and buried.

What did the Terracotta Army fight with?

The Terracotta Army are statues and therefore were never real. However, the Images were based on a real army of soldiers commanded by Qin Shihuang. So the terracotta warriors never fought. They were made to accompany the emperor Qin Shihuang to the next life as the Chinese believed that they would be his army in that next life.

Were the terracotta soldiers heavy?

not sure!

Why did the emporer order the making of the terra cotta soldiers?

The army of terracotta soldiers was made to be buried with the emperor. They were made to show his glory, and because it was believed that objects like these statues could be animated in the afterlife, and the emperor needed an after-death army.

What are facts about Terracotta Army?

A fact about the terracotta army is that 1.All of the clay soldiers represent one of the soldiers that was in the army. So it basically represents the soldiers that was in the army.

Where did terra cotta originate?

terracotta is a Orange Cross brown. it was used by qin to make soldiers, now called the terracotta army. terracotta is a clay from china. i hope this helped, if you need more answers i will try to answer them best as i can, but not always.

What was the terra cotta soldiers use for?


How was the terracotta soldiers concealed?

Hi well the terracotta army was buried in a well. Bye bye