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The themes of Antigone

The Nature of Tragedy

The Sisters' Rivalry
There is no one theme to 'Antigone' as most literary works have more than one theme. I will list some of the major themes in 'Antigone.'

1) Respect for the dead

2) Sibling Rivalry

3) pride

4) man made law vs divine law

5) individual vs state or society

6) the nature of tragedy

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Q: What are the themes in 'Antigone'?
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I was having trouble with this one. But, I found an answer:) Here's the link: If you don't want to read the link. The theme is pride

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All the questions that can be asked about the play 'Antigone' most likely can't be asked in one individual's lifetime, for the characters, imagery, musicality, plot, and themes are timeless in their appeal and applicability.

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Antigone is the anarchist.

Who is the protagonist of Antigone?

Antigone is the Protagonist.

What is a question that deals with a theme of 'Antigone'?

What would you do to safeguard the lives or memories of those you love is one question that deals with a theme of 'Antigone'. One of the play's themes indeed is the lengths to which one is expected, or expects oneself, to go for loved ones. Is it acceptable to break the laws of the community in which one lives is another question. Another of the play's themes indeed is the choice between respect for the changing human, and the changeless divine, interpretations of right and wrong.

Who is Antigone's sister?

Ismene is Antigone's sister