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Scylla and Charybdis are both Greek monsters. They both killed travelers. Scylla ate travelers and Charybdis drowned them by making whirlpools.

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Sirens- the lure you into your death with their beautiful singing. Scylla- plucks your sailors out of the sea and eats them. Charybdis- sucks all the water out of the sea.

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Q: What are the threats posed by the sirens and by scylla and charybdis?
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How does Odysseus survive the dangers posed by the sirens scylla charybdis?

Odysseus goes through the Sirens by putting beeswax in their ears. Odysseus is tied to the mast while the Sirens are surrounding them and is begging for his soilders to untie him but they don't. He goes through Scylla by just going past it, letting 6 of his men get eaten by Scylla. And he sailed closer to Scylla to get past Charybdis.

How does Odysseus survive the danger posed by sirens Scylla and Charybdis?

Odysseus goes through the Sirens by putting beeswax in their ears. Odysseus is tied to the mast while the Sirens are surrounding them and is begging for his soilders to untie him but they don't. He goes through Scylla by just going past it, letting 6 of his men get eaten by Scylla. And he sailed closer to Scylla to get past Charybdis.

How does the danger posed by the sirens compare to that posed by the lotus- eaters?

The danger posed by the sirens is primarily physical, as they attract sailors with their enchanting voices to shipwreck on the rocks. The danger posed by the lotus-eaters is more psychological, as they tempt sailors to forget their original goal and become complacent with a sedentary lifestyle. Both threats delay the sailors from reaching their destination, but in different ways.

How does the danger posed by the sirens compare to that posed by the lotus-eaters in Odysseus?

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How does the danger posed by the sirens compare to that posed by the lotus eaters?

Sirens would have sung them to their deaths, or wrecked the vessel along the cliff if a sailor took it in his head to drive the ship to the shore to get to them. The Lotus-eaters did not cause harm or threaten to kill them but drugged the men into a blissful state from which they did not want to leave.

How does the The danger posed by the sirens compare to that posed by the lotus-eaters?

Sirens would have sung them to their deaths, or wrecked the vessel along the cliff if a sailor took it in his head to drive the ship to the shore to get to them. The Lotus-eaters did not cause harm or threaten to kill them but drugged the men into a blissful state from which they did not want to leave.

How does the danger posed by the Sirens compare to that posed by the Lotus-Eaters?

Sirens would have sung them to their deaths, or wrecked the vessel along the cliff if a sailor took it in his head to drive the ship to the shore to get to them. The Lotus-eaters did not cause harm or threaten to kill them but drugged the men into a blissful state from which they did not want to leave.

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