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Life, Liberty, And the Pursuit of Happiness

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Q: What are the three basic freedoms in which every person is entitled to according to the declaration of independence?
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What are the freedoms to which every person is entitled according to the Declaration of Independence?

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness.

According to the Declaration of Independence what are the there basic freedoms to with every preson was entitled?

Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness

According to the Declaration of Independence what are the three basic freedoms to with every preson was entitled?

Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. It originated from John Locke's beliefs that all humans are entitled to life, liberty, and property.

Locke's ideas had the most influence over?

the rights and freedoms of the individual written into the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

Everyone is entitled to a social and international order in which the rights and freedoms set forth in this Declaration can be fully realized?


Why was the sign of the Declaration of Independence so important?

It is simply important because without it we would not have the freedoms we would have today.

Which document addresses the freedoms and liberties that all American citizens should share equally?

declaration of independence

True or false The Declaration of Independence was signed after the US Constitution was written?

the Canadian charter of rights and freedoms was adopted in April 17, 1982

How did John Locke influence the language in the U.S. Declaration of Independence?

John Locke's ideas of individual rights, personal freedoms, and the ability to overthrow an oppressive, abusive, or otherwise corrupt government were heavy influences on the Founding Fathers during the creation of the U.S. Declaration of Independence.

Who were some people not included in the Declaration of Independence?

When the Declaration of Independence was created the freedoms provided in it were really meant only for white land owners. While it says all men were created equal, it really should have said "All white landowners were created equal." The fifteenth and nineteenth amendment gave Blacks and Women the right to vote respectively.

What is the overall impact of the ideas of John Locke on the foundation of freedoms in the US?

Jefferson expresses his views very well in the Declaration of Independence. Other than that they are a philosophy and not laws.

What is the main argument of the Declaration of Independence -?

The main argument of the Declaration of Independence is that the people of a land have rights and freedoms that should not be ignored by governments or rulers, and that if these "unalienable rights" are ignored, the people have the right to form a society of their own. In the case of the American colonists, they had decided that they were no longer willing to be subjects of the British king.