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Q: What are the three factors that affect the rate of reaction?
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What 4 factors increase a reaction rate?

4 factors that affect reaction rate are Temperature, Stirring, Concentration, and Pressure (only for gases).

What are the factors affecting the rates of chemical reaction in pollution?

The factors that affect in the rate of chemical reaction are temperature and YOU XD HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA jk

What three factors affect the rate of a biochemical reaction?

1. pH 2. Concentration - Enzyme and Substrate Concentrations (but to a certain degree) 3. Temperature

What are two other factors that affect the rate of the reaction?

The properties of reactants (reactivity) and catalytic behaviour

How does concentration factors affect reaction rate?

increasing concentration increases rate of reaction as there are more particles so there is a larger chance of collision,it increases the probability of collision of the reactants.

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temperature,chemical composition.

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whats the anwer?

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factors that affect the rate of mechanical weathering?

What are the three factors that affect the rate of stream erosion?

it is gradient, discharge and load.

What are the factors which affect rate of diffusion?

the factors which affect rate of diffusion is the factors that mixing one substance to another.

What 4 factors affect the rate of absorption?

One factor that affects the rate of absorption is the molecule size. Particle size, lipid water solubility, and the degree of ionization are also three other factors that affect the rate of absorption.

How does heat affect the rate of the reaction?

Increasing the temperature the reaction rate increase.