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Q: What are the three hibernating animals in this country?
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Related questions

How many degrees is it when animals start hibernating?

about 98.6 degrees typically but Ive heard of animals hibernating in degrees of 50 to 110

What is a kangaroo a migrating animal or a hibernating animal?

Neither. Not all animals need to be migratory or hibernating.

Warmblooded animals avoid the cold by staying active hibernating or?

Warmblooded animals will avoid the cold by staying active, hibernating, or migrating. This is to keep their bodies in a heated environment.

What is the term given to winter sleeping animals?

They are called Hibernators :D

What effect on animals have happen during an earthquake?

Different animals have different reactions before earthquakes. Animals that would be hibernating would stop hibernating and come out from their holes/burrows. Dogs would dig on the ground.

Is global warming killing animals and if so what is it killing?

global warming is killing the animals such as polar bears, hibernating animals and much more

What do you call hibernating animals?

Animals that hibernate in the winter are called hibernators. This includes a wide range of animals. Marmots, a bird called Common Poorwill, bears, bats, lemurs, turtles, bumblebees, snakes, snails, and hedgehogs are all hibernators.

What is a heghogs heart beat when its hibernating?

A hedgehog's heart beat when its hibernating is so slow you would think it dead- about three times a minute, i think.

What pops up in spring?

What pops up in spring is flowers, animals stop hibernating,

Do sloths hibernating?

Animals that hibernate do so to escape the cold weather. Sloths do not hibernate.

What three things are causing problems for the Great Lakes of Africa?

bears are hibernating

How does environment affect hibernating animals?

the environment can affect the feature of a living organism