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#1 Executive "President" #2 legislative, "the ones that make the laws & spend the money" #3 Judicial "All Courts"

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Q: What are the three institutions of power within the US government?
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Separate institutions sharing power?

This is like the democracy that Americans have. They have three branches of government that work together, the legislative, congress, and judicial.

What are three of the six institutions or customs that people can share in a distinct culture?

cities, government, religion.

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1. The Home or the Family 2. The Government 3. The Church

Where does the government get their power from?

Government's power is in three branches, as you may know; so they don't "get" their power, it is distributed.

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Who can participate in the governing process, the geographic distribution of governmental power within the state, and the relationship between the legislative and he executive branches of the government.

What Constitutional powers help to limit the power of government?

The constitutional powers that help to limit the power of government is dividing it into three branches. The three branches of government are executive, legislative and judiciary.

What are three powers of the federal government?

Judicial Power, Executive Power, and Legislative Power

Which are the three powers of government?

political power, public policy power, democratic power

Why it have three branch in government?

There are three branches of government to evenly divide the power. They didn't want any one group to have power over all the U.S.

What form of government divides power between central and local government?

the three branches of government

Name and briefly describe the three forms of government that can result depending on how government power is distributed geographically?

1. Democracy: the power of the people. 2. Theocracy: the power of the people, yet one religion rules. 3. Monarchy: the power of the Sovereign (usually a king). A government is not always necessary.

The Constitution extablished three major institutions of government with different powers according to the principle of?

Independence liberty and justice of all