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Outer, inner, and middle ear ( i don't really know if this is right)

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Q: What are the three main sections of the ear called?
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What is the part of the your ear we can see is?

The three sections are the outer ear, middle ear, and inner ear. There are links below to the images of the ear's anatomy.

How many sections to the ear are there?

there is the inner ear, middle ear, and the outer ear. i had an ear infection

What are the functions of the three main parts of the human ear?

The three main parts of the ear are the outer ear, middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear's function is to funnel or pass sound waves through the ear to the middle ear. The middle ear's function is to protect the inner ear from damaging sounds. In the inner ear, sound waves are converted into nerve impulses which are transmitted to the brain to be interpreted. The inner ear also serves as the main organ of balance for the body.

The functions of the three main parts of the human ear?

The three main parts of the ear are the outer ear, middle ear and the inner ear. The outer ear's function is to funnel or pass sound waves through the ear to the middle ear. The middle ear's function is to protect the inner ear from damaging sounds. In the inner ear, sound waves are converted into nerve impulses which are transmitted to the brain to be interpreted. The inner ear also serves as the main organ of balance for the body.

What are the three main scetions of the ear?

(semicircular canals, vestibule, and cochlea) ;]

What are the parts of the physics human ear?

there are three main parts -outer -middle -inner

How many bones are in your middle ear?

The middle earcontains three tiny bones, called the ossicles. These three bones form a connection from the eardrum to the inner ear.

Does the inner ear have the most bones?

No it doesn't. The inner ear has no bones. The three auditory ossicles are located in the middle ear. They are called the malleus, incus & stapes.

What are the main parts of the human ears?

The human ear has three main sections, which consist of the outer ear, the middle ear, and the inner ear. Sound waves enter your outer ear and travel through your ear canal to the middle ear. The ear canal channels the waves to your eardrum, a thin, sensitive membrane stretched tightly over the entrance to your middle ear. The waves cause your eardrum to vibrate. It passes these vibrations on to the hammer, one of three tiny bones in your ear. The hammer vibrating causes the anvil, the small bone touching the hammer, to vibrate. The anvil passes these vibrations to the stirrup, another small bone which touches the anvil. From the stirrup, the vibrations pass into the inner ear. The stirrup touches a liquid filled sack and the vibrations travel into the cochlea, which is shaped like a shell. Inside the cochlea, there are hundreds of special cells attached to nerve fibers, which can transmit information to the brain. The brain processes the information from the ear and lets us distinguish between different types of sounds.

What is the ear bone that starts with the letter A?

The common name is the anvil, but it is more properly called the incus. It is the middle of the three ear bones.

Function of inner ear?

The Inner Ear has two main parts that gives it its main function.The first one is the cochlea which is one of the three smallest bone in the human body. It is mainly functioning for hearing. The second one is the vestibular system. It is the one responsible for balance. The inner ear also converts sound waves into neural signals in a process called transduction and sends these neural signals out to the brain.

How many moving parts are in the human ear?

The middle ear, outer ear, and inner ear are the three parts of the ear.