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spiral galaxies elliptical galaxies and irregular galaxies

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I guess that would be Edwin Hubble. Note that he didn't really "discover" this; rather, he set up a classification system.

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Q: What scientist discovered the three main types of galaxies?
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How are scientist able to identify the different types of galaxies?

The scientists are able to identify the different types of galaxies by high powered telescopes and by examining the pictures sent by various satellites orbiting the universe.

What are three types of galaxys?

The three different types of galaxies are the Spiral galaxy, the Elliptical galaxy, and the Irregular galaxy. Spiral galaxies are obviously in the shape of a spiral, elliptical galaxies are shaped as an ellipse, or a flat circle, and irregular galaxies can be any shape.

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by the Austrian scientist Karl Landsteiner, who found three different blood types in 1900 he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1930 for his work.

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That is a difficult question to fully answer as types of galaxies are not fully defined. A ball park figure would be dwarf galaxies, or spiral galaxies depending on the area in question. See related question for a full breakdown.

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Astronomers. Biologists. Chemists.

The types of Galaxies?

Spiral,elliptical,and irregular galaxies

What are the types or categories for galaxies?

Spiral galaxies, barred spiral galaxies, elliptical galaxies, and irregular galaxies

What are the categories of galaxies?

There are three main types of galaxies: Elliptical, Spiral, and Irregular. Two of these three types are further divided and classified into a system that is now known the tuning fork diagram. When Hubble first created this diagram, he believed that this was an evolutionary sequence as well as a classification.

Galaxies are classified by their shape what are they called?

There are three types of galaxies, all of which are the same, with the exception of their shapes. There are the Elliptical galaxies (football-shaped) the Spiral galaxies (like the Milky way; vortex-shaped) and Irregular galaxies (all shapes other than spiral and football shaped).

What are three types of models scientist use?

Three types of scientific models are conceptual, mathematical, and physical models. ~Ares