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These particles are: proton, neutron, electron.

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13y ago

Protons, neutrons, and electrons.

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Q: What are the three most common subatomic particles?
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Name three basic subatomic particles?

The three basic subatomic particles of an atom are protons,which has a positive charge. Electrons, which has a negative charge, and neutrons which have no charge.

What are 3 subatomic particle?

Proton, neutron, and electron are three subatomic particles that make up an atom. Protons and neutrons are found in the nucleus of an atom, while electrons orbit around the nucleus in electron shells.

When subatomic particles are most involved in chemical bonding?

These particles are the electrons.

What subatomic particles responsible for most of an atoms mass?

These particles are the protons and neutrons.

What subatomic particle or particles contributes the most to the mass of the atom?

These particles are protons and neutrons.

How many subatomic particles does lead has?

Lead has a total of 82 subatomic particles, which includes 82 protons and typically 126 neutrons in its most common isotope. Electrons can vary in number based on the charge of the ion.

Which subatomic particles are most involved in forming chemical bonds?


Which subatomic particles are most involedin chemial bonding?

just electrons

Number of subatomic particles in potassium?

Potassium's atomic number is 19, meaning it has 19 protons in its nucleus. In a neutral potassium atom, there are also 19 electrons orbiting the nucleus. The most common isotope of potassium, K-39, has 20 neutrons, giving it a total of 39 subatomic particles.

What are subatomic particles?

Generally speaking, subatomic particles are particles smaller than an atom. There are the three basic ones that make up atoms, and you probably already know that those are protons, neutrons and electrons.If we delve more deeply into the physics of the subatomic world, more and more particles will appear. At one point, there were literally dozens and dozens of different subatomic particles, and they created what was called a particle zoo. Since then, some newer ideas regarding the world of these tiny particles has arisen, and most of the particles in the zoo were recognized as composite particles made up of a just a few fundamental particles.Begin learning about subatomic particles by developing an understanding of protons, neutrons and electrons. Then find out what makes them up, and move from there to the number and nature of fundamental particles.

Subatomic particles with the most mass?

This particle is the neutron: 1,00866491600(43) amu.

Which subatomic particles are located in MOST of the space within an atom?

Protons and Neutrons