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The Bible, The Bhagavad-Gita, and the Tao Te Ching.

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Q: What are the three most translated sacred texts in the world?
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Which 2 religions are without sacred texts?

All religion's texts aren't sacred. Don't let anyone ever tell you they are. Saying their texts are sacred is just one of the many tools those in religious power use to protect and perpetuate their world standing. Don't play into it.

What texts record the hymns of the ayrans?

The hymns of the Aryans are recorded in the collection known as the Rigveda, which is one of the oldest sacred texts of Hinduism. These hymns were composed in Sanskrit and are considered to be some of the oldest surviving texts in the world.

What is the 3 sacred major religions of the whole world?

The three are Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Three other sacred religions are Hinduism, Buddhism and Shintoism.

Were the ancient Latin and Greek texts translated during the medieval period?

Most of the ancient Latin and Greek texts were not available in Europe during the middle ages. They were translated into Arabic and were available in the Muslim world. The Crusaders brought some of them back to Europe but most were "re-discovered" and translated into European languages as the Renaissance began.

What language is the hadith written in?

All prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) Hadith are in Arabic. Accordingly the original texts of Hadith are written in Arabic. However; currently; the Hadith texts are translated in many world languages.

What role do sacred texts play in Hinduism?

Unlike Koran or Bible, Hindus have many Sacred Texts. All Hindu sacred texts have their roots in Vedas and Upanishads. Since in Hinduism Spirituality has an important objective and a good many Rishis, Saints and Vedic Scholars and Philosophers have been born in India since ancient times, they contributed their thoughts which also became sacred texts

What characteristic do Abrahamic religions have in common?

There are five major Abrahamic religions in the world today: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the Baha'i Faith, and The Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormonism) which considers itself to be a subset of Christianity. Of these five traditions only two, Judaism and Christianity, share any sacred texts in common: Judaism's Tanakh is Christianity's Old Testament. Islam considers the Qur'an and the various biographies of the prophet Muhammed to be its core sacred texts. Baha'i takes the writings of its prophet Baha'u'llah to be its core sacred texts. And The Church of Latter Day Saints considers the Book of Mormon to be its primary sacred text.

What is Indigneous sacred text?

Indigenous sacred texts are religious or spiritual texts that hold cultural and spiritual significance for Indigenous peoples around the world. These texts often contain traditional stories, teachings, ceremonies, and practices that are passed down through generations. They play a central role in Indigenous spirituality and are used to maintain connection to ancestral knowledge and the natural world.

How long did it take the world to be created in the Hindu creation story?

According to Hinduism and Sacred Texts & Scriptures it took more than thousand years to create world. Lord brahma prayed to the Supreme God for power of creation for thousand years .

When was World Sacred Music Festival created?

World Sacred Music Festival was created in 1994.

How many languages are the Bible written in?

The Bible has been translated into over 700 languages, making it one of the most translated books in the world. The original texts of the Bible were written in Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek.

Where is Baha'i practiced?

The Baha'i Faith is practiced around the globe and is second only to Christianity in the number of countries and territories where it can be found. Its Sacred Texts have been translated into more than 700 languages.