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First, you have to acknowledge your sins and be actually sorry for them. Then you have to ask for forgiveness through an act of contrition or confession (for serious sin). Finally, you have to make an act of penance.

Acknowledgement can be done by meditating on what you have or have not done that may be immoral. A good time to do this is usually once per day. In preparation for confession, I find that meditating on the 10 commandments one at a time helps shed a lot of light on personal sin that needs confessing.

Making an act of contrition is all that is sufficient for venial (not serious) sin, i.e. saying the Lord's name in vein out of frustration. The prayer typically recited is,

My God, I am heartily sorry for offending you and I detest my sins because I fear your just punishment. Most of all because these sins offend you and you are all loving and deserve all of my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of your grace, to sin no more and to avoid all occasions that may lead to sin.

For serious (mortal) sin, a confession is required. As a rule of thumb a sin is serious if a.) It is a serious sin, b.) you knew about it before you did it and c.) you did (or did not do) the act with intent. Priests will ask you to pray the act of contrition above at the end of the confession prior to absolution.

Finally, for penance an act of contrition can be something simple for venial sins. The Church has long asked Catholics to do something special on Fridays throughout the year to make up for venial sin. Since Vatican II, the Church leaves it to your discretion (i.e., saying a few extra prayers, doing something special for those you wronged, etc.) In Lent, you are to give up red meat (after the age of 14) for this purpose. Personally, I give up red meat every Friday for venial sin. Mortal sin requires penance assigned to you by the priest hearing the confession.


The shortest recorded way to be forgiven, Luke 23:42-43, the thief on the cross:

Then he said, "Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom."

Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."

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Of course, the only sins which cannot be forgiven are the unforgivable sin which is the sin against Hope (the second of the Cardinal Virtues). The sins against hope which cannot be forgiven are presumption and despair.The former is akin to the Protestant theory that once you are "saved" you cannot do anything to lose your salvation. That is presumption and is unforgivable as you don't think you need forgiveness.The latter, despair, is unforgivable as you don't think you can be forgiven for whatever reason: you think you have committed too many sins, or too horrible a sin, or whatever.The sins against hope cannot be forgiven for the simple reason that you cannot be contrite and ASK for forgiveness. God will forgive ANYTHING as long as we repent of it - which is not just being sorry for it, but trying not to do it again.Sins which we have not yet done cannot be forgiven until AFTER we do them, and repent of them. But all mortal sins can be forgiven as long as we confess them and repent. It is only when we are not contrite and repentant that we cannot be forgiven.

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"Your sins are Forgiven."

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Yes, or our sins would never be forgiven.

If Jesus wouldn't have died on the cross for your sins where would you be?

I would still be here on this earth, but I would not have the knowledge that my sins were forgiven.

Can you even help us?

Join Illuminati and you shall be forgiven for your sins. We will help you.