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There are only two types of xylems, 1. Protoxylem and 2. metaxylem

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Q: What are the three types of Xylem?
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Related questions

What tissues is found in the veins of the plants?

Xylem and phloem, they are two types of vascular tissue.

What are the two different types of vascular tissue?

Phloem and xylem are the two main types of vascular tissue found in plants. Xylem is the tissue that mainly carries water, and a few minerals, in the system. Phloem is the tissue that carries photosynthetic materials through the plant.

What are two kind of xylem and their functions?

1. Centripetal xylem 2. Centrifugal xylem both types are involved in conduction

What are the two kinds of xylem and their functions?

1. Centripetal xylem 2. Centrifugal xylem both types are involved in conduction

What types of plants have the least amount of xylem tissue?

Tulips have the least amount of xylem tissue.

Which plant groups have xylem tubes?

the two types of plants that carry xylem are your mum and dad

What types of Organelles are present in Xylem cells?

Vessels are types of advanced xylem cells that are found in angiosperms. An xylem is made up tracheids and both of these cells have pits so that water can move sideways in the stem.

What are the features of xylem?

Xylem is a complex permanent tissue that is made up of four types of cells or elements. These are:- 1. Tracheids 2. Vessels 3. Xylem parenchyma 4. Xylem fibres Among these, only Xylem Fibres are dead and the rest three are living. Xylem is also known as wood. Tracheids and Vessels have 5 types of lignifications: annular (in the form of rings), spiral (as a helix), reticulate (in the form of network), scalariform (as a ladder), and pitted (with small and circular unthickened areas called pits).

What are two types vascular tissue?

Phloem and xylem

What are the two types of vascular cells?

xylem and phloem

What is the 2 types of vascular tissue?

xylem and phloem

What are the types of vascular tissue in plants?

xylem and phloem