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Q: What are the three ways in which oxygen and nitrogen are same?
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What is the molecular formula for nitrogen oxygen carbon and hydrogen?

Nitrogen, oxygen, carbon and hydrogen are elements that combine to form molecules in a vast number of ways. There is no single molecular formula for them. The symbols for these elements are: nitrogen: N oxygen: O carbon: C hydrogen: H

What are three ways in which nitrogen are replenished in the soil?

lightning is one way sorry

Describe three ways abrasion occurs in nature?

three ways could be wind oxygen or gravity water

How can you use minerals in your lives?

different ways everyday of your life such as cholorine nitrogen oxygen u bresh lol :)

How is oxygen formed with nuclear fusion?

Oxygen is formed in stars by fusion of Hydrogen with Nitrogen. There are various ways this is done, involving various isotopes. There are links Wikipedia, below. The first deals with the Carbon-Nitrogen-Oxygen cycles, and is specific to this question. The second is more general.

Why can nitrogen and oxygen form several different compounds?

Nitrogen and oxygen can share electrons in many different ways; some observing the octet rule and some not. For this reason, prefixes are necessary to keep track of all the covalent combinations.

What are three ways for nitrogen to be fixed?

1) Lightning 2) Biological 3) Bacteria

What is abrasion occur in three ways?

Wind oxygen or gravity water

What are the three different ways to classify bacteria?

There shape, if they need oxygen, and where they live.

What is nitrogen changed into before being used by living things?

lightning & bacterial action (nitrogen fixers).

What are 4 elements that combine in many ways to form many molecules in organisms?

Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen are the four base elements of life.

What would the world be like without air?

Without air, we would not be able to live, We would try to breathe in oxygen but there would be none there so we would shrivel up and die, just like in space, that's why astronauts wear space suits so they can breathe.