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Q: What are the to stages of moss life cycle called?
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How do moss reproduse?

mosses reproduce in a life cycle that has two very different stages..

What is the dominant phase of the bryophyte life cycle?

Bryophytes or Moss plants life cycle goes with two stages. The two stages are the haploid (gametophyte) and the diploid (sporophyte) which is the dominant stage.

True about the life cycle of mosses?

The life cycle of moss is as follows:Sperm and egg are fertilized and form a zygote. The zygote transforms into a gametophyte and then a sporophyte. It undergoes meiosis and grows to form moss.

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What is the most noticeable form of a moss life cycle?

The gametophyte stage of the moss life cycle is the most visible. The reason for this is because it contains chlorophyll.

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What is the dominant form of a moss life-cycle?


What process produces the 2N sporophyte in the moss life cycle?


How are the archegonium and antheridium important in the life cycles of a moss?

The antheridium is the male sex organ of a moss, and the archegonium is the female sex organ. These two, when joined produce moss offspring. So, why is it important in the life cycle of a moss? It's because moss need them so that they can reproduce.

Is the green leafy plant that composes the major part of the moss life cycle?


The is the green leafy plant that composes the major part of the moss life cycle?
