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Gametes in the sex organs

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Q: What does the gametophyte stage of a moss or fern life cycle produce?
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What is the dominant stage of the fern life cycle what is the relationship of the fern gametophyte and sporophyte?

in the life cycle of a fern, the dominant and recognizable stage is the diploid sporophyte. the the younger sporophyte grows from the gametophyte.

What stage of the fern life cycle is dominant?

The diploid sporophyte stage of the fern cycle is dominant. In seed plants, the opposite is true; the haploid gametophyte stage is dominant for these.

How are the fern sporophyte and gametophyte stage the same?

In reference to the sporophyte and gametophyte, are the stages of the plant's life cycle thus being the same.

Where is location of antheridium on fern gametophyte?

It is located on the underside of the fern gametophyte.

How does the gametophyte generation of a plant differ from the sporophyte generation?

In most plants, the sporophyte generation is dominant. In fern, for example, the fern itself is the sporophyte. This organism produces spores that fall to the substrate below and grow into a separate organism called a gametophyte. The gametophyte produces sperm and eggs in order to produce a new sporophyte which grows out of the gametophyte's body, destroying it. It is important to note that the gametophyte is haploid and the sporophyte is dploid.

Explain the stage in the life cycle of fern?

A spore grows into a heart shaped gametophyte. The gametophytes produces sex cells that unite to form a zygote. The zygote grows into a spore producing sporophyte.

How does the sporophyte generation of a plant differ from a gametophyte generation?

In most plants, the sporophyte generation is dominant. In fern, for example, the fern itself is the sporophyte. This organism produces spores that fall to the substrate below and grow into a separate organism called a gametophyte. The gametophyte produces sperm and eggs in order to produce a new sporophyte which grows out of the gametophyte's body, destroying it. It is important to note that the gametophyte is haploid and the sporophyte is dploid.

What is a type of sexual reproduction in plants?

Some plants reproduce sexually through spores. As in the fern life cycle. Spores generally contain either an egg or sperm. When these spores reach the gametophyte of other ferns then they can combine to make a fertilized gametophyte which will grow into an adult fern.

What is the name to the gametophype generation in fern?

Gametophyte generation of fern is called prothallus.

Describe the dominant stage in the life cycle of a fern?

Diploid Sporophyte

What is the difference between the life cycle of ferns and the life cycle of humans?

The life cycle of a fern includes both a gametophyte and sporophyte generation. A diploid zygote formed on the gametophyte develops into a sporophyte, a fern. The sporophyte releases haploid spores that germinate into gametophytes. The life cycle of a conifer consists of male and female cones produced on an adult plant, the sporophyte. The male produces pollen grains that fertilize eggs retained within the female cone. The fertilized egg develops into a seed. When released and conditions are favorable, the seed germinates into a young sporophyte.

What stage of a ferns life cycle do you see fiddleheads?

You will see fiddleheads in the first stage known as transition in the life cycle of a fern. The fiddleheads are delicately divided when they expand into fronds.