

Best Answer

1. People (religion, firearms, cars, war, gossip, etc.)

2. Weather

3. Geology--volcanoes

4. Drugs, including heroin, meth, tobacco and cocaine


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  1. Black holes: Massive regions of space with gravitational forces so strong that not even light can escape.
  2. Ebola virus: Highly contagious and deadly virus that causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans.
  3. Nuclear weapons: Weapons of mass destruction capable of causing catastrophic damage and loss of life.
  4. Tsunamis: Large ocean waves triggered by underwater earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides.
  5. Crocodiles: Apex predators with powerful jaws and excellent ambush skills that pose a threat to humans.
  6. Lightning: Sudden electrical discharge in the atmosphere that can cause fires, injuries, and fatalities.
  7. Tornadoes: Violently rotating columns of air extending from thunderstorms to the ground, capable of causing widespread destruction.
  8. Venomous snakes: Snakes that inject venom through their fangs, potentially causing paralysis or death.
  9. Rip currents: Strong, narrow currents that flow from the shore to sea, posing a risk to swimmers and surfers.
  10. Extreme weather events: Hurricanes, cyclones, typhoons, and heatwaves that can result in significant damage and loss of life.
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Q: What are the top ten dangerous things in the world?
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What are the top ten dangerous snakes in the world?

Some of the top ten most dangerous snakes in the world include the inland taipan, eastern brown snake, black mamba, king cobra, coastal taipan, and the tiger snake. These snakes are known for their potent venom and aggressive behavior, making them a threat to humans if encountered.

What are Top ten foggiest cities in the world?

The top ten foggiest cities in the world are typically located in coastal areas or regions with high moisture levels. Some of the foggiest cities include St. John's (Canada), San Francisco (USA), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), and London (UK). Berlin (Germany), Sydney (Australia), and Cape Town (South Africa) also experience frequent fog.

Is ASL in the top ten languages in the US?

American Sign Language (ASL) is not one of the top ten most widely spoken languages in the US. However, it is the third most commonly used language in the country, after English and Spanish, due to the large Deaf community.

What is the meaning of top cities worldwide?

"Top cities worldwide" typically refers to cities that are recognized for their prominence, influence, culture, economy, or livability on a global scale. These cities may stand out for factors such as population size, economic power, tourist attractions, cultural heritage, or quality of life, making them destinations of interest for people around the world.

Who is the top ten richest men in Ireland 2008?

As of 2008, the top ten richest men in Ireland included individuals like Denis O'Brien, Dermot Desmond, and JP McManus, who are known for their success in industries such as telecommunications, finance, and horse racing. The rankings may have varied since then due to changes in their business ventures and financial standings.

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No. The world's most dangerous scorpion is the Death stalker (Leiurus quinquestriatus). See the related link below for the world's top ten deadliest sorpions.

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Almost all lions are dangerous except for the ones born in captivity. You can never fully trust a wild animal. The lion is one of the top ten most dangerous animals in the world.

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Type your answer here... what are the top ten progressive country in the world?

Which is the dangerous country in the world?

Russia is the top five most dangerous country in the world.

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Well, since there are only ten provinces in Canada, I guess they'd all be on the top ten list.

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the top ten greenest countries in the world are:finlandicelandnorwayswedenaustriaswitzerlandirelandaustraliaurguaydenmarkthere you go!

What are the top ten websites?

That is like asking "what are the top ten things"....what i mean is, its all based on opinion and topic of the website

What are the top 10 most dangerous countries in the world?

USA by far is the most dangerous country in the world.

What number is fencing on the most dangerous sports list?

According to Top Ten Lists, fencing is number 56 on the most dangerous sports.

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