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Q: What are the trabeculae carnae and the papillary muscles?
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What muscle is attached to the chordae tendineae?

papillary muscles

What is the Trabeculae carneaes function?

provides turbulence flow of blood and also serves a similar function as the papillary muscles (pills on the chordae tendineae which are attached to the atrioventricular vlaves, preventing them from prolapsing into the atria)

How many papillary muscles are there in the heart?

Papillary muscles are found in the heart's ventricles. They control the AV valves.

What happens if the papillary muscles fail to contract?

If the papillary muscles fail to contract the valves will prolapse. The papillary muscles are located in the ventricles and contract to prevent prolapse.

What structure connects the cusps of the AV valves to the ventricles?

papillary muscles

What is ventricle wall muscles?

Trabeculae carne

Differentiate clearly between the location and appearance of pectinate muscle and trabeculae carnea?

In terms of location, the pectinate muscle can be found in the atrium, while the trabeculae carnea can be found in the ventricles. Also notice the trabeculae carnae should be thicker in the left ventricle as it is pumping blood into the systemic circuit (which has more surface area than the pulmonary circuit).

What are equiped with the chordae tendinea and papillary muscles?

The heart valves are attached to the chordae tendinae and papillary muscles which function to open the valves.

What is the role of papillary muscle?

The papillary muscles are muscles located in the ventricles of the heart. The role of the papillary muscle is to prevent inversion or prolapse or the atrioventricular valves.

Small muscle masses that function to regulate the atrioventricular valves?

These small muscles are called papillary muscles. There are five total papillary muscles in the heart, three in the right ventricle and two in the left.

What are fingerlike muscular projections from the ventricles?

papillary muscles

What is the muscle that attached to chordae tendinae?

papillary muscles