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Q: What are the two advantages of having a coelom?
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What benefit do animals derive from having a coelom?

what benfit do animals derive from having a coelm

In phylum nemathelminthes give the advantages of having a body cavity in animals?

There are several advantages to having a coelom, or body cavity. The organs are enclosed, there is independent movement of the body wall, there is more space for organs, and there is a storage area for sperm and eggs. It also has fluids that protect organs and provide nutrients.

What do you mean by true coelom?

The coelom is the body cavity of an animal. A true coelom is a body cavity that is complete from mouth to anus with no breaks; there are animals that have pseudocoeloms - mouths and anuses but no solid connection between the two.

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What are the types of coelom of platyhelminthes?

it does not have a coelom.

Having a true coelom distinquishes cnidarians from sponges?

No. Neither Cnidarians nor Sponges have a true coelom, or space around the gut. This is reserved for triploblastic organisms, or organisms with 3 germ layers.

Do roundworms have coelom?

Yes. However, this is not a true coelom. Roundworms are pseudocoelomates -- their mesoderm lines the endoderm and ectoderm, but there is no connection between the two. Therefore, it does not satisfy the definition of a coelom. However, since there is a body cavity still, this animal is said to be a pseudocoelomate.

Do roundworms have no coelom a pseudocelom or a true coelom?

Coelom. It is partitioned by septa, which is a divider between segments of the worm.

The lining of the coelom is called?

The coelom is lined with epithelium.

What is advantage and disadvantage of having a bicultural family?

an advantages of having bicultural family is thAT YOU LEARN TWO LANGUAGES

What are the advantages of rbs mortgages?

"RBS stands for Royal Bank of Scotland and there are advantages to having an RBS mortgage. A few of the advantages are a two year fixed mortgage, with a 3.09% rate for two years."

Coelom organs present in the frog?

ns present in the coelom