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The poinciana is a popular but non-native flowering tree, with brilliant red flowers that bloom through December and January.

Poinsettias are also popular, and are also non-native plants.

Australia does not use holly at Christmas time, and the only mistletoe is the parasite that hangs off our gum trees, slowly killing them.

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Q: What are the two flowers that are popular at Christmas time in Australia?
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What popular flowers are there?

Well, at Christmas time popular flowers are pointsettas.

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Christmas occurs during the season of summer in Australia, as Australia's summer begins on 1 December and finishes at the end of February. As a result, Christmas in most areas of Australia can be very hot.

Which country close to Australia calls their Christmas tree pohutukawa?

The pohutukawa tree is part of the Christmas tradition of New Zealand. The pohutukawa is native to New Zealand, and is a natural Christmas tree, often being used to decorate homes and businesses at Christmas, When it flowers around Christmas time, it does so with a massive display of bright red flowers. The first reference to it as a "Christmas tree" was recorded in 1867 when Austrian geologist Ferdinand von Hochstetter observed that settlers called it that.

What flowers are typically used during Christmas?

Poinsettias are the most commonly used flower around Christmas time. However other flowers such as the Christmas cactus, holly, Christmas roses, ivy, and mistletoes also form a major part of Christmas decorations.

What might you see in Australia around Christmas time?

you can see a star on top of the christmas tree

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Does Australia have nativity?

Nativity generally refers to the birth of Jesus Christ as it is celebrated at Christmas. Yes, Christians in Australia celebrate the nativity at Christmas time.

Why is the Pohutukawa called the NZ Christmas tree?

The NZ christmas tree is known as the Pohutakawa tree metrosideros excelsa, because it flowers around that time of year with its bright red flowers. This symbolises the great summer days ahead in New Zealand.