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Q: What are the two hand notes on the piano for what makes you beautiful?
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How do you play the notes on a piano?

with ur hand

How do you know when to change hand positions in piano?

My teacher says to act like you have a tennis ball in your hand.

How do you play piano with good rhythm?

The left hand plays bass notes, and the right hand plays treble notes.

What consist of treble clef bass clef connected by a brace?

This is called the Grand Staff. It is commonly used for instruments with large ranges such as the piano and the organ. On the piano, the right hand usually plays the notes written in treble clef, and the left hand plays the bass clef notes.

Second hand serenade fall for you piano notes?

Chords: Am F C G. Thank you, thank you very much :)

How many different note combinations are there on a regular piano or keyboard?

That depends on how many notes at a time you can hit with one hand.

What are fingers used to play the piano?

Each hand does not have assigned notes. If you are reading a piece of sheet music, the notation will tell you which hand plays which notes. If you are playing by ear, as long as it works it is fine. Generally speaking, the right hand will play higher pitches because they are on the right side of the piano. The left hand will play lower pitches. However, both hands can play very low, or very high, or the hands can even switch completely by playing with one hand crossed over the other.

Does the accordion play bass clef?

Yes. Accordion music is like piano music because it uses both the treble and the bass clef. Usually, you play the notes in the treble clef with the right hand and the notes in the bass clef with the left hand.

What is the boogiewoogie in jazz?

It's primarily a piano technique in which pianist lays down a heavily rhythmic left hand series of bass notes.

What effect does pressing the left hand pedal on the piano have?

The left hand pedal on a piano is the soft pedal, it softens the sound (makes it quieter) by pressing the dampers (pads that rest against the strings to stop the sound from ringing) harder against the strings. The right pedal which is called the damper pedal releases the dampers from the strings, causing the notes to be sustained. The middle pedal is called a "Sostenuto Pedal" and it removes the dampers from the only the notes that are played when the pedal is depressed, therefore sustaining some and not others.

What clef is the left hand?

Generally music written for the piano will place the notes intended for the left hand in the bass clef, although there is no reason a musical piece could not be written to be played entirely in the Treble clef.

Do you write for piano the same as for violin?

Not necessarlily. Piona players read both bass and treble clef. Violin generally read only treble. Plus, fingerings and boy directions go into violin music. 7th Grade Outcast Yes, you can play the notes on the treble clef in your violin BUT it won't sound complete. Piano music requires both hands and usually the left hand accompanies the notes that are played by the right hand but in some pieces, they really won't sound complete if you only play the right hand. Take note: reading piano notes and violin notes have are followed by the same music theory only, the violin does not use a bass clef.