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That depends on how many notes at a time you can hit with one hand.

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Q: How many different note combinations are there on a regular piano or keyboard?
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Related questions

What is the different between with piano and keyboard?

A keyboard is electric A piano is non electric

How many a's are on the piano?

There are eight "A"'s on a regular piano keyboard.

Are keyboard chords different from piano chords?

They are not different they are the same instrument but the keyboard is just an electronic one

Instruments with keys?

Piano and Keyboard

What do a keyboard and piano have in common?

A piano has a keyboard. But is doesn't look like the keyboard on your computer.

Is there a difference in an electric keyboard and a keyboard?

Electric keyboard usually refers to the keyboard of an electric piano. "Keyboard" is a generic word that can refer to an electric piano, an acoustic piano, a typerwriter keyboard, a computer keyboard, etc.

What songs are in the really easy ABBA piano book?

The question is too broad. There are many different books for piano with many different combinations of ABBA songs.

How many keys keyboard and a piano?

A standard keyboard has 104 keys, while a piano typically has 88 keys.

What is an chordic keyboard?

A chordic keyboard uses only one key for each finger. Combinations of keys are pressed simultaneously to enter a data character or some other type of data, similar to producing a chord (note) on a piano. Pressing combinations of keys in this way is called ''chording''.

What is the purpose of having a weighted keyboard?

The purpose of a weighted keyboard is to better simulate playing an actual piano. Skilled piano players can achieve variations in the sounds produced by striking the weighted keys of a piano with different intensity. Additionally, since playing a piano or keyboard involves the use of muscles in the hands and arms, a weighted keyboard helps condition these muscles to better provide the strength and endurance to play an actual piano.

Why is a keyboard different to a piano?

A keyboard is different from a piano because it is electric. Pianos function more "mechanically," so to speak, because each time you hit the keys, it triggers a hummer to hit a string inside the body of the piano, which in turn creates the sound. Keyboards are smaller, lighter, and often have different functions that can be programed in.

Where can you find a piano keyboard?

A the front of a piano.