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calcium and magnesium - but also carbonate if you were to choose a third

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chloride,sulphates and bicarbonates of calcium and magnesium

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Q: What are the two ions that are most commonly responsible for hard water?
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Element that is responsible for making water hard?

The metal cations are responsible for making water hard. Examples of these cations includes the calcium ions, the magnesium ions, the aluminum ions, and the manganese ions.

What factors make water soft?

Water is considered soft when it contains low levels of calcium and magnesium ions. These ions are responsible for the hardness of water by forming scale buildup. Water softeners can remove these ions through ion exchange or other methods to make water soft.

What pair of ions is present in hard water?

Large quantities of calcium and magnesium ions make water hard.

Is calcium found in hard water?

Yes, calcium is commonly found in hard water. Hard water contains high levels of mineral ions, including calcium and magnesium, which can lead to the buildup of scale in pipes and appliances.

The particle responsible for acid properties in water is?

The particle responsible for acid properties in water is the hydrogen ion (H+). When an acid is dissolved in water, it releases H+ ions, which give the solution acidic properties by increasing the concentration of hydronium ions (H3O+).

In water what ion does acids produce?

Acids produce hydronium ions (H3O+) in water when they dissociate. These hydronium ions are responsible for the acidic properties of the solution.

What ions will the acids and bases form in water?

Acids form H+ ions in water, while bases form OH- ions in water. These ions are responsible for the characteristic properties of acids and bases, such as pH and reactivity.

What ions are present in hard water if it contains calcium chloride dissolved in distilled water?

In hard water containing calcium chloride dissolved in distilled water, the ions present would be calcium (Ca2+) and chloride (Cl-). The calcium ions come from calcium chloride, while the chloride ions come from the dissociation of calcium chloride in water.

What ions would you find when an base dissolves in water?

When a base dissolves in water, it forms hydroxide ions (OH-) in solution. These hydroxide ions are responsible for the alkaline nature of the solution.

Why hard water is unfit for usage?

Hard water contains a lot of ions , which can lead to the build up of limescale.

Element y combined with element u can be found in 'hard water'?

The elements y and u in hard water usually refer to calcium (y) and magnesium (u) ions. These minerals are responsible for making water hard, which can lead to issues like scaling in pipes and reduced efficiency of soap.

What are the constituents responsible for the alkalinity of water?

The constituents responsible for the alkalinity of water are primarily bicarbonate (HCO3-) and carbonate (CO3^2-) ions. These ions act as buffers, helping to maintain the pH of water by neutralizing acids. Other contributors to alkalinity can include hydroxide (OH-) ions and sometimes borate ions.