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because they can kill the baby growing inside you. DONT DO THAT... ! :D

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Q: What are the two main reasons that alcohol is so dangerous to developing babies?
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How does alcohol influence the baby in the womb?

When a pregnant woman drinks alcohol, so does her baby. Drinking may harm her developing baby. (Fetus) Alcohol passes from the mother's blood, into the babies blood. It can damage and affect the growth of the babies cells. Studies do not yet show that it is safe for a pregnant woman to drink even a small amount, as different babies react differently to even the tiniest bit of alcohol. Although the risk is higher with heavy alcohol use- any amount of alcohol may affect your developing baby. You may be able to prevent FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) by not drinking at all when you are pregnant. Hope this helps. :)

Is diclectin dangerous to the baby?

No it is not dangerous to the baby. The dangerous chemical that was in the pills in the 50's,60's,70's, & 80's dicyclomine has been removed. The FDA has even concluded that there are no adverse effects on babies. Extreme vomiting and nausea is far worse for a developing baby!

What is the purpose of prepregnancy counseling?

To help patients have full-term, healthy pregnancies and babies. The education helps because lifestyle habits such as smoking or alcohol usage can be hazardous to a developing fetus.

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Why are balloons dangerous for babies?

Balloons are dangerous for babies because of suffocation deaths than any other children's product or toy.

Are babies dangerous?

They can be dangerous, since they do have teeth and can bite, but they are normally not dangerous, and are usually pretty calm.

Are flea bites dangerous to babies?

Flea bites can be dangerous to babies. The saliva of fleas contains anticoagulants which can cause severe infections in infants.

Did one of Kate Gosselin's babies die?

Yes. Initially, Kate Gosselin was expecting seven babies, but one of the babies stopped developing.

What are the main reasons for deformed babies?

birth defects or so called "mutations" can be caused by genetics, toxins crossing placenta during pregnancy, a large number of pregnancy complications and problems at delivery including loss of air, loss of blood and medications such as pain relievers crossing the placenta. Drinking alcohol, even once, during pregnancy can cause fetal alcohol syndrome.

Why are less babies born on the weekend?

reasons why there are fewer babies born on the weekends

Are bush babies dangerous?

They are dangerous because they can just rip your eyes out in any second

When babies get high fevers why would the doctor suggest bathing it in alcohol?

Alcohol kills bacteria