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Q: What are the two major classification of sentences?
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Classification of Sentences by Types and Predictions?

CLASSIFICATION OF SENTENCES BY TYPES: declarative sentences interrogative sentences imperative sentence exclamatory sentences CLASSIFICATION OF SENTENCES BY PREDICATION simple compound complex compound complex

Classification of sentence according to function and structure?

The classification of a sentence based on function is as follows: declarative, exclamatory, interrogative, and imperative.Declarative sentences make a statement.Exclamatory sentences show strong emotion.Interrogative sentences ask questions.Imperative sentences give order or instructions.The classification of a sentence based on structure is a little more in-depth. Structure involves simple sentences, compound sentences, and complex sentences.Simple sentences only have one independent clause.Compound sentences have at least two independent clauses. Complex sentences require at least one independent clause and one dependent clause.

What are the two major groups of animal classification?

The two major groups of animal classification are vertebrates and invertebrates. Vertebrates have a backbone or spine, while invertebrates do not. Examples of vertebrates include mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fish, while invertebrates include insects, arachnids, mollusks, and annelids.

What are the two major classification of the library?

Factual books and fictional books.

What are the two major steps in biological classification?

1. defining and describing organisms 2. arranging organisms into logical classification scheme

How do you put a classification of an animal in sentences?

The leopard belongs to the kingdom Animalia.

Classification of Sentences by Types and Predictions explanation of type?

Classification of Sentence by Predications Simple Compound Complex Compound Complex

What are the examples of classification schemes for a library?

The two major classification schemes used in the United States are the Dewey Decimal Classification System, used in most public libraries; and the Library of Congress Classification, used in most academic libraries.

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How do you use classification in a sentence?

When reading answers, a teacher must use classification to separate those sentences that were written by students themselves from those that were answered on the Internet.

What are linnaeus' two major contributions to taxomy?

the hierarchical classification scheme -Gotta help out my fellow Plato users! :D

What are the classification of liability?

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