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Choking and drowining

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The two most common causes of lack of oxygen in infants are respiratory distress syndrome, which is a breathing disorder primarily affecting premature babies, and meconium aspiration syndrome, where a baby inhales a mixture of meconium and amniotic fluid during or shortly after birth, leading to respiratory distress.

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Q: What are the two most causes of lack of oxygen in infants?
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What will happen if all the oxygen disappear?

If all the oxygen were to disappear, most life on Earth would perish within minutes. Oxygen is crucial for cellular respiration in most organisms, so a lack of it would lead to catastrophic consequences such as widespread death, ecosystem collapse, and the eventual extinction of many species.

Which patients would benefit the most from oxygen therapy?

Patients with conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), cystic fibrosis, pneumonia, heart failure, and severe asthma may benefit the most from oxygen therapy. These patients may have low oxygen levels in their blood and require supplemental oxygen to improve their breathing and overall health.

Does titan have oxygen?

Titan has a dense atmosphere primarily composed of nitrogen, with small amounts of methane and other gases but very little oxygen. The lack of oxygen on Titan's surface makes it inhospitable to humans and most known forms of life as we know it.

What happens if we lose oxygen for 10 minutes?

Most of our body cells would stop functioning after 10 minutes of lack of oxygen. If there is no oxygen in the environment, airplanes would have crashed, and mostly every vehicle that requires oxygen would stop moving. Let's say 1,000,000 years from now aliens come to our planet would ask if the humans had so much why did they disappear all of a sudden.

Most common oxidation number of combined oxygen?

The most common oxidation number of oxygen in compounds is -2. This means that in most compounds oxygen will have an oxidation state of -2.

Related questions

What are the two most common causes of lack of oxygen in infants?

drowning and choking

What is most likely to result from lack of oxygen?

A blackout or, if a severe lack of oxygen, death.

Why do most planets lack seas and ocean?

the lack of oxygen, and h2o in the atmosphere.

What are the most common causes of bleeding gums?

Some of the most common causes of bleeding gums is lack of flossing and gingivitis.

Which people are most likely to exhibit clubbing?

The most common cause of clubbing is lung cancer. It is also commonly caused by other lung/heart diseases like interstitial lung disease or really any disease that causes chronic hypoxia. Hypoxia is a word used to describe the lack of sufficient oxygen supply in the body. Clubbing is caused by lack of oxygen in the blood, so on a basic note, any disease that causes the blood to be depraved of enough oxygen can cause hypoxia. The people most likely to exhibit clubbing are people with lung cancer, as lung cancer is responsible for over 50% of the cases.

Which is mostlikely to cause a houseplant to languish?

Lack of sufficient sunlight is one of the most likely causes of a houseplant to languish. Other causes may include overwatering or lack of enough water.

What is asphyxiation?

An asphyxiant is a substance which causes death or injury by lack of oxygen.

What causes a transmison to fail ina 1999 windstar?

In most cases - Heat or lack of maintenance

Can oxygen therapy affect one's memory?

A hydrating, firming and smoothing treatment that utilizes PURE OXYGEN and vitamins to moisturize and create increased circulation. This facial is ideal for congested or sun damaged skin and is recommended for post-op therapy, after chemical peels or laser resurfacing. Add oxygen to any treatment.

How does asthma attack kill you?

ALWAYS CONSULT A QUALIFIED MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL WITH MEDICAL QUESTIONS, DO NOT TRUST INTERNET ANSWERS WITH YOUR LIFE. Asthma may kill you if not enough oxygen is exchanged in your lungs. Lack of oxygen causes tissue death. Though most people use medication to regulate there asthma and live otherwise normal lifes.

What is the two causes of chemical weathering?

Well the two MOST common causes would be water and oxygen... hope this helped :D

What would happen to the earth if there were no soil?

most plants and animals would die due to the lack of food and oxygen