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Q: What are the two names for the wind belts between 30 north and 60 north?
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What are pressure belts wind?

There are many wind belts. Doldrums receive the most heat from the Sun. Trade winds extends past the doldrums 30 degrees. Horse latitudes is a wind belt that forms between 30 degrees north and south latitude.

What belts of wind called?

belts of wind are trade winds

What are belts of wind called?

belts of wind are trade winds

How might knowledge of the global wind belts have helped a sixteenth century explorer sailing from Spain to the northern part of South America?

It would have made the trip easier if they sailed along the wind belts to the north

What is a wind pattern?

Wind patterns are the way the winds blow. There are six major wind belts and each hemisphere is divided into three wind belts. The wind belts are polar easterlies, the westerly's, and the trade winds.

Whats the difference between jet streams and global wind belts?

The difference between jet streams and global wind belts is jet streams is winds of high speed generally from the west that move 250 miles per hour. Global wind belts are created when the earth receives an unequal amount of heat from sunlight and the spinning of the earth.

What is a difference between a north wind and north road?

North wind ends in north but north road ends in south.

Who were the four winds of greece?

The winds didn't have official names -- they were just North Wind, East Wind, South Wind, and West Wind.

What type of wind blows from north to south?

FROM the north. Winds take their names from their origin.

Wind blowing south is konwn as?

There are many names for a wind blowing south (known as a North Wind) and it depends on where in World you are. The most universal names are Bora / Boreas (from Greek) and Tramontanta which is used on a Windrose, the forerunner to the modern compass. Aquilo is the Roman North Wind God

What are the global wind belts?

the major global wind belts are the trade winds, the polar easterlies, and the prevailing westerlies.

How do tropical air masses affect North America?

prevailing westerlies are the main wind belts in north America so they push the air Masses from west to east