

Best Answer

> Color

> Hardness

> Melting Point

> Flammability

to name a few ...

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Q: What are the two physical properties you would use to tell the difference between coal and snow?
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What physical properties could you use to tell the difference between strawberry ice cream and vanilla ice cream?

The obvious one is colour ! Strawberry ice cream is normally pink - while vanilla is pale yellow.

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The main physical difference would be size.

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Various gasses may have similar physical properties.

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I'm not sure about this as i would like to know the answer myself.

Are colour and hardness examples of physical properties?

yes they are one of the 7 physical properties===========================Would they not be 2 of the 7 ?

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Hard to say, but physical properties would favor the heavier, more powerful jaguar.

What is the Name of the physical property you would used to tell the difference between coal and snow?


How would you describe the physical properties of coal?

You to do everything

What is physical properties of screw?

Some physical properties of a screw would be the length, width, texture, shape, and firmness. These could be described easily as opposed to the chemical properties.

What is the difference between physical and chemical characteristics?

Matter have two essential types of properties, those are physical properties and chemical properties. Among its physical properties are smell, color, freezing point and boiling point, density, opacity and viscosity. Among chemical properties are reactivity with water, PH, electromotive force and heat of combustion.