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Q: What are the two systems needed for digestion and how do they help?
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What two systems regulate the processes of digestion and absorption?

The hormonal system and the nervous system coordinate all the digestive and absorptive processes. Digestion is how the body breaks down foods and gives the body nutrients.

Do cnidarians use one-way or two-way digestive systems or neither?

2 way digestion

Which is more efficient - cow or horse digestion?

Both are equally efficient. Since they are two different systems designed for two different animals there is no point in comparing them.

Digestion needs the help of two more systems in the body to provide energy from food. Which are these systems and how do they help?

Energy is made from oxygen and glucose, when reacted together. Oxygen enters the body via the respiratory system and glucose enters through the digestive system. These two systems link as they both provide the formulae for energy. When glucose and oxygen are both in the body, the cardiovascular transports it via blood to the place in which it is needed in the body, for example the muscles. This is also links with the digestive and respiratory system as it provides the transportation of the energy.

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Cheeks and Brain

How many forms of digestion are there?

There are two forms of digestion: mechanical and chemical digestion.

What are two parts of digestion?

mechanical and chemical digestion

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For best results: two separate hard drives, if not, two separate partitions. Two separate operating systems and a bootloader capable of loading multiple operating systems are requirements.

Are fire sprinkler systems needed for buildings in California/?

California requires sprinkler systems in newly built one and two story residences. Sprinkler systems are also required for condominiums.

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The Skeletal System and the Muscular System.