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Q: What are the two things the british colonists did not like about their mother country england?
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Which country is called mothers country?

The "mother country" is whatever country the speaker's ancestors came from. In British Commonwealth countries, or former British colonies, the mother country is England.

Why did colonists protest British taxes?

The American colonists were British citizens, but they were denied the right to have representatives in the British government - a guaranteed right of those citizens still residing in England. It was known as "Taxation without Representation" and was one of several reasons that the colonists decided to rebel against "Mother England" and King George.

Why did the British mercantile system fail?

Colonists ship raw materials to the mother country and purchase manufactured goods from the mother country.

How did British economic policies and mercantilism anger American colonists?

The actions of the British such as the Acts of Trade and Navigation which only allowed the colonies trade with England caused resentment from the colonists towards the mother country England and heightened tensions between the two. Heavier taxes started being imposed after the French and Indian War in order to help out the English economy.

Why did colonists dislike mercantilism?

because it was in favor of the British Mercantilism was the economic philosophy underlying early European colonial policy. The object of mercantilism was to increase the wealth of the Mother Country (England) in gold and silver.

what decisions did the colonists have to make?

The colonists were ready to stand up for themselves. Colonists decided to become independent of Mother England, developing their own country. The French and Indian war that was a seven-year war between the years 1754-1763. The war was fought between the British colonies and New France.

What country were the colonists seeking independence from?

England, a country that was a part of Great Britain.

Why did the colonists go from loyal british subjects to declaring war with Britain?

The British were trying to make the colonists pay taxes to Britain and continue to serve them in ANY capacity. Basically serving the British as if they lived in Britain! The colonists didn't think they should have to live under the rule of Britain without being able to form their own government or setting rules apart from the Mother England. England wanted to keep control of the colonies. Colonists wanted to be separate from England.

How did Americans still consider themselves british?

The colonies were the property of the British crown and the colonists were British subjects. Most were born in England and settled in the new world from choice. There was little wish to break from the mother country as it offered a huge market, an established trade route, and protection from the French and Spanish.

What was the basic conflict between the colonists and the mother country during the revolutionary period?

The mother country was taxing the colonists too much for goods.

Are England and France the mother countries?

A "Mother Country" is the country a person was born in when he or she has emigrated to some other country. A "Mother Country" can also be the country that owns a colony and is thus the mother country of that colony. So, England is the mother country for people born in England who live in Australia, Russia, the US, or elsewhere, and similarly for France. In terms of colonies, England was the mother country of the colonies of the British Empire, and is sometimes called "mother country" by some in the Commonwealth of Nations. Similarly France was the mother country of the colonies in the French Empire, and may still be called that by some people in those, now independent, countries But for someone who was born, for example in Germany, or for someone in a former colony of the Netherlands, neither England nor France are "mother countries."

Why were the colonists powerless to stop the taxes from being enacted?

The British had the most biggest military in the world. Also Britain was thier mother country.