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In Mahayana Buddhism, a distinction is made between relative truth and absolute truth.

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Q: What are the two truths of reality in Buddhism?
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What is known as the ultimate reality for Buddhism?

The ultimate reality or ultimate truth is the inherent nature of everything. It is how things really are. Everything has an ultimate or absolute aspect and a relative aspect. The relative aspect is how things appear. The ultimate is how things actually are. These two aspects of everything are called "the two truths" in the Buddhist teachings. The two truths should not be understood as two separate things but rather as two aspects of one single reality.

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Buddhism believes in the 4 truths

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The Four Noble Truths comprise the core ideas of Buddhism. They do not merely impact Buddhism, they are Buddhism. Everything in Buddhism springs from these tenets. If you can fully understand and embody the four truths, there is nothing else needed to attain enlightenment. Such is the nature of the Four Noble Truths.

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What is Buddhism founded on?

Buddhism is founded on the teachings of the Buddha, in particular the Four Noble Truths and the eightfold path.

What are the major belief or practices of Buddhism?

The major belief (or teachings) of Buddhism is the Four Noble Truths. The major practice of Buddhism is the Five Noble Precepts.

What were the Four Noble Truths and whose teachings they were centered on.?

The Four Noble Truths were not founded on the teachings of Buddha. Buddhism arose from the Middle Path and the Four Noble Truths.

True or false the four noble truths is associated with Hinduism?

False. The four noble truths are associated with Buddhism as stated in the dharma.