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Auxins, cytokinins and gibberellins

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Q: What are the two types of plant hormones?
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What are two types of hormones?

estrogen and testosterone are 2 hormones, as are adrenaline, insulin, and growth hormone. there's 5 for you

Non steroid hormones could be?

There are two other types. They are proteins and amines.

Do plant hormones effect the fertilizing of vegetables?

Plant hormones will effect the fertilizing of vegetables directly. The hormones will be involved in most of the reproduction processes of vegetables.

What is a plant's hormones?


Which female hormones are most often used in the pill?

The pill most often contains two hormones- an oestrogen and a proestogen. These hormones are used in the many different types of Pill that are available to women. The two hormones stop women from ovulating each month, preventing them from becoming pregnant.

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The two types of tubes in a plant are the?

The two tubes are phloem and xylem

How do plant hormones effect human health?

Plant hormones balances the hormones of humans. For example, soybean (Glycine max) affect the level of HDL, also affect the level of blood pressure and sex hormones estrogen due the phytoestrogen concentration of the plant.

What is the difference between plant hormones and animal hormones?

The plant hormones different parts of the plants in a different way while the animal hormones affect the target cells in more than one organ.

How synthetic plant hormones are effective as weedkillers?

Plant hormones don't kill weeds. They are used for killing pests like aphids which absorb the hormone present in the phloem of the plant. These hormones are toxic for them and they die after consuming them.

Cost of plant hormones?

$122 from normal plant nursery's