

Best Answer
  1. Oxygenation
  2. Habitat cover
  3. Food
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Q: What are the two ways completely submerged plants are helpful to animals living in a pond.?
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Why completely submerged plants are helpful to animals living in a pond?

In the case of fish in a pond, completely submerged plants are helpful in that they add oxygen to the water and offer a food source. They also add oxygen to the air surrounding the pond for lunged animals that live there.

In what ways do the submerged plants hep animals living in the pond?

Produces food, oxygen during photosynthesis and provides shelter.

Why are toads not a plant?

Toads are animals, not plants. Plants and animals are completely different living organisms.

How can non living thing help plants and animals in the desert?

Water is a non-living thing which is quite helpful to plants and animals unless they too wish to become non-living.

How are deserts helpful?

Deserts are helpful because it provides a biome* for many animals. *Biome-Habitat or living area that is the right texture and temperature for that organism.

What are the three animals a platypus resembles?

The platypus is completely unique, and does not resemble any other living animal.

What is the tideline?

Living on the tideline means that animals such as the soldier crabs Mictyris longicarpus on the East Australian coast, face drying out on land for part of the day, but excess water intake when submerged.

How are animals helpful to living things and the environment?

They provide CO2 for plant respiration. Their corpses provide nutrients for decomposers and plants. They feed on/provide food for other species of animals.

Why protected forest not completely safe for wild animals?

people living in the neighborhood encroach upon the animals and destroy them. Also if we cut down trees then animals will not have their habitat to llive. small insects will be killed or eaten up by wild animals and the ecosystem may get disturbed due to hunting of animals so the forests are also not completely safe for the wild animals............

Why are animals called 'treasure of forests'?

Because they decompose and it will give good fertility to plants.As in forests, the living beings are animals , plants , insects , birds.....they are helpful for plants by giving carbon dioxide to the plants.

How many echidnas live together?

Echidnas are generally solitary animals. They do not live in groups.

What living things are being destroyed?

All living things are being destroyed by humans, even humans. But if you want to know what living things are close to being completely destroyed, just search "list of endangered animals" on google