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Q: What are the two ways that atmospheric nitrogen gets into the ground?
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2 ways atmospheric nitrogen gets into the ground?

because they want to

What is the need of fixing atmospheric nitrogen find out the various ways by which atmospheric nitrogen is fixed?

Why does atmospheric nitrogen need to be converted?

How do bacteria help the nitrogen cycle?

Actually nitrogen exist in the atmosphere in dinitrogen (N2) form and cannot be utilized directly. As such bacteria help in converting atmospheric nitrogen into ammonia which then can be used by the plants.

How do plants and animals differ in the ways they obtain nitrogen?

Plants get it from bacteria which live associated with their roots who take atmospheric nitrogen and fixate it (nitrogen cycle). Animals can only get it by ingesting organic compounds which contain nitrogen, such as plants and other animals which have eaten plants.

What are different ways by which nitrogen in the air reaches the soil?

Most atmospheric nitrogen (N) exists as N2. Plants cannot use N in this form. The main ways this nitrogen enters soil in a plant usable form include:N fixation by bacteriaLightening caused atmospheric fixationFertilizer manufacturers also use atmospheric N when making N fertilizers.Most of the N is fixated by bacteria, usually in association with a plant. Legumes, like beans, peas and clover, are especially famous for this. The plants provide the bacteria with food and an environment they can live in, and in exchange, they give the plant usable nitrogen compounds.

Two ways by which plants get nitrogen compounds?

Some essential nitrogen compounds can be absorbed by plants from the soil in which they grow. the nitrogen compounds can be provided to the soil by nitrogen-fixing bacteria living in association with the plants and/or from fertilizers. Some nitrogen compounds can also be input to the soil from lightning strikes that provide activation energy to facilitate the reaction of atmospheric nitrogen to produce absorbable nitrogen compounds that can be carried into soil by rain.

What is nitrogen changed into before being used by living things?

lightning & bacterial action (nitrogen fixers).

What are two ways that nitrogen is fixed so plants can use it?

The only forms of nitrogen compounds that living things can make use of are ammonia compounds and nitrate compounds.These are called "fixed nitrogen". Animals obtain the nitrogen they need from proteins in the plants and/or animals they eat. Proteins are amino acid polymers and amino acids are built around an ammonia group.

What produces nitrogen compounds from gases in the air?

The source of nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) is essentially the combustion of fossil fuels and derivatives. Also some chemical processes release nitrogen oxides. As an addenda, the questioner might be seeking to know if nitrogen compounds are formed in other ways, to which I would suggest that virtually all PLANTS make nitrogen compounds by extracting and combining atmospheric and soil-bound elements. I hope that helps.

What are some ways that bacteria can help the environment?

(i) De composer bacteria help in decomposing matter in the soil. (ii) It helps to maintain fertility in soil. (iii) Bacteria like cyanobacteria help in nitrogen fixation.

What are two ways nitrogen from the air changed into usable nitrogen?

lightning & bacterial action (nitrogen fixers).

How has the element nitrogen helped humans?

Nitrogen help humans in diffrent ways