

What are the uses of protein in your body?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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  • to synthesize new protoplasm, for growth and repair of worn-out body cells.
  • to synthesize enzymes and some hormones.
  • and the formation of antibodies to combat diseases.
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11y ago

Protein is an essential nutrient found in animal, nut, and bean products. Your body uses protein to make more cells to fight bacteria. It is very important for your hair, nails, and other parts of your body.

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Body uses of protein?

they help you to get healthy

Why doesn't the body store protein?

The body does store protein. Muscles are made almost entirely of protein, and when the body has a serious protein shortage, it can obtain protein from its muscles (which shrink accordingly).

What are the two things that the body uses for protein?

Protein provide structure, and release hormones and enzymes.

What are the four ways your body uses protein?

to build muscle

What are four ways your body uses protein?

to build muscle

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Which does the body burn protein lipid minerals or vitamins?

The body uses proteins, lipids, and carbohydrates for energy. It uses minerals and vitamins to build substances in the body that the body uses to function. Such as iron for hemoglobin or vitamins as anti-oxidants.

What are the end products of carbohydrates protein and lipids?

Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, proteins are broken down into amino acids, and lipids are broken down into fatty acids and glycerol. These end products are then used by the body for various functions such as energy production, building tissues, and hormone regulation.

Is vitamins with a high concentration of Biotin harmful to the body?

No. Biotin is a protein. The body uses what is needed and simply excretes the rest.

What are the two nutrients your body uses for energy?

The two main nutrients your body uses for energy are carbohydrates and fats. Carbohydrates are broken down into glucose, which is the body's primary source of energy. Fats are another source of energy and are important for storing energy over a longer period of time.

What causes low protein levels in the body and what are the effects of it?

protein is needed to gain and use muscle so if you have no or low amounts of protein in your body your muscles like the ones that surround your intestines to move the food through your body can not be used as much because protein is the muscles food.