

What are the uses of starch in the plant?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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12y ago

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the starch is for food when needed

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Q: What are the uses of starch in the plant?
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What does a plant do with glucose and starch?

It uses it for energy

Why do plants produce glucose?

plants produce glucose because it is there source of food for energy

What is the purpose of a potato?

It is a good food and they are neat. In a potato plant; the potato is serves as a tuber. This is a specialized underground stem which allows the plant to store nutrients in the form of starch. After cold periods or dry months the plant uses this starch to regrow. food.

This developing plant uses starch stored in the seed as a source of energy during germination This stored starch is a by-product of?

The stored starch is a by-product of photosynthesis. Photosynthesis produces glucose; plants can convert and store excess glucose as starch. Both sugar and starch are types of carbohydrates.

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As the plant photosythesises it creates glucose which it then turns into starch. As the plant uses the starch for growth it gets bigger and the mass increases

What organelle uses water?

Plant cells contain a central vacuole that makes up most of the volume of a plant cell & is used for storing water & starch.

How will bean seeds give a positive test for starch?

The seed uses the starch until it become an adult plant or in other words, until it is fully grown to produce its own food. Inside the cotyledon, starch is present and thus, gives a positive result for starch :)

Is starch stored in leaves of some plants?

after the plant photosynthesises, it has some left over glucose that the leaves covert into starch. The starch is then stored in the chlorophyl (the green pigment in the leaves). At night or in the dark, the plant can't photosynthesise so it respires the stored starch instead

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What does de-starch mean?

Destarching occurs when part of a plant is "deprived of starch, as by translocation". It is also the process of eliminating starch reserves in a plant for experiments

What are the uses of starch in amylase determination?

The uses of starch in amylase determination is to find hmuan serum in the human body.

What is the functions of the starch in a plant cell?

The starch grains mainly contain starch which is produced from photosynthesis