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Q: What are the variables that may influence the final cost of implementing a certain type of media?
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Why do you have only public static final variables in interfaces?

Because of the below reasons:Class implementations can change value of fields if they are not defined as final. Then they would become a part of the implementation. An interface is a pure specification without any implementation, hence they are final to prevent accidental modificationsIf they are static, then they belong to the interface, and not the object, nor the run-time type of the object.An interface provide a way for the client to interact with the object. If variables were not public, the implementing classes would not have access to them.Hence variables in interfaces are public static and final

What is the final step of the emergency planning process?

Implementing and maintaining the plan

When do you declare a variable method and a class final?

When There is No Need to Change the Values of the Variables In Entire lifetime of That variables then we must use that Variable as Final Variable.

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the final result influence the grey colour

What access attribute should static final variables have?

It should be public

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solid line

Why can not define private and protected modifiers for variables in interface?

No. Interface variables are supposed to be public static final. Interfaces, like abstract classes, cannot be instantiated, so all variables in an interface must be static final ones. They are public because usually interfaces are used throughout an application, and this will ensure versatility.

Is unsigned integer constant are available in Java?

yes use the final keyword, normally variables declared final use all capital letters but this is not required final int A = 10;

Name a common Java library class that has public instance variables?

The Math class has public variables - defined as final, of course - for the mathematical constants PI and E.

What are the inbuilt final methods in java?

final methods and variables are that whose values couldn't change.not even run time also.

Can transient variables be declared as 'final' or 'static'?

Transient Variables are those that do not get serialized during the Serialization process. A Static variable is one that is mapped to the Class and is not mapped to any object instance and hence they would not get serialized. So, there should be no problem with declaring a transient variable as static. On the other hand, A final variable is one that's value cannot change. So if you declare a final variable as transient, it would get stored as null during serialization and when you try to de-serialize the variable, you will get errors because, the variable is final and you cannot assign values for it and it is saved as null during serialization. Result: Yes you can have static transient variables but not final transient variables.

What is a specifier?

a specifier tells the JVM how to treat a particular class,method and variable while executing the program. For example, final classes cannot be extended and final methods cannot be overriden and final variables cannot be changed once declared. Likewise,static methods and variables can be accessed without having to instantiate an object for their class