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Foods that are high in iodine. Kelp, seaweeds, baked potatoes ( with the skin ).

Cod ( fish ) is also a good source for iodine, as are eggs.

Iodine was introduced in salt for an easier way to get iodine into the diet of most people. As always, use caution when using salt, since there are many health risks as well as benefits. You may want to consult a physician, if you have a health issue.

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Q: What are the vegetables and fruits that can prevent goiter?
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No, vitamin C does not prevent goiter; the nutrient that you need in order to prevent goiter is iodine, which most people get by using iodized salt. Sea food is also a good source of dietary iodine.

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ARE YOU DUMB? vegetables and fruits don't have fat

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What is iodine uses for every day life?

prevent goiter

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You can prevent Heart disease by eating nutritious food. Eat foods such as fruits, vegetables, lean protein, and fish. Do not eat empty calories with sugar.

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fruits fruits; their high sugar content oxidizes faster than that of vegetables

Where are fruits and vegetables tined?

in a can ****************** Fruits and vegetables are put into cans in a food processing factory.