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Some weaknesses of Merton's strain theory include its focus on lower-class crime and its assumption that all individuals strive for the same cultural goals. It also overlooks the role of individual choice and agency in criminal behavior and fails to adequately explain why only some individuals under strain turn to crime.

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Q: What are the weaknesses of merton's strain theory?
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What concepts is used in Robert Merton's strain theory if deviance to refer to the process of seeking conventional goals but rejecting conventional to get there?

Robert Merton's strain theory uses the concept of anomie to explain deviance. Anomie refers to a state of normlessness or lack of social regulation, which can lead individuals to pursue unconventional means to achieve conventional goals. This strain between societal expectations and individual opportunities can result in deviant behavior.

What is the best leadership theory?

The best leadership theory depends on the context and situation. Some popular theories include transformational leadership, situational leadership, and servant leadership. Each theory has its strengths and weaknesses, so it's important for leaders to understand and apply the most suitable theory for their specific circumstances.

What are the strenghts and weaknesses of Social Learning Theory?

Strengths of Social Learning Theory include its focus on observational learning and how behavior is influenced by observing others. It also emphasizes the role of cognitive processes in learning. Weaknesses include the assumption that behavior is solely influenced by external factors, overlooking the importance of internal motivations, emotions, and individual differences. Additionally, it has been criticized for overlooking the role of biological factors in shaping behavior.

Which theory says that people have differing amounts of access to illegitimate means of reaching society and goals?

Strain theory, developed by Robert Merton, suggests that individuals may turn to criminal behavior when they experience a disconnection between societal goals and the means available to achieve them. This theory posits that people lacking legitimate opportunities may resort to illegitimate means, such as crime, to achieve success or status.

What are the streghths and weakness of the media dependency theory?

Strengths: The theory helps understand the influence of media on individuals and society, highlighting the power dynamics at play. It emphasizes the importance of media in shaping opinions and behaviors. Weaknesses: The theory oversimplifies complex relationships between media and audiences, neglecting individual agency and other factors that influence media consumption. It can be criticized for being deterministic and not accounting for varying levels of media influence.

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The strain theory is a state of deviation from bond angle of a normal tetrahedral angle.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of Merton's strain theory?

strength: realistic reflection of world weakness: assumes commitment to materialistic goals only focuses on lower class ignore spontaneous crime

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One weakness of speech act theory is that it can be overly simplified and may not capture the complexities of communication in all contexts. Additionally, it may not account for the cultural or social differences that can shape the interpretation of speech acts. Finally, some critics argue that speech act theory places too much emphasis on intentionality and not enough on the actual effects of communication.

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