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Q: What are the white swirls that you can see on earth from space called?
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Related questions

What makes white swirls around earth?

Hurricanes, or clouds

What does the color bluish marble look like?

A bluish marble looks exactly like the Earth, with some swirls of color white scattered along the surface.

What color is earth?

From space : blue (ish). Close up : green or is blue,green,and white.

What is an empty space left by an imprint and an empty space called?

it is called white space and should be 20-30% in a page

What is a blue and white ball?

The planet Earth as seen from outer space is a blue and white ball.

What is the white planet-like object that rotates around the earth in space?

The moon.

Why does the moon look white?

because it reflects the light from the sun

What are other dangers in outer space?

well i think they would mostly be space junk check this out its the earth and all that white stuff is space junk orbiting earth.

What are the Pieces of rock or metal that have reached the Earth from outer space called?

A piece of space rock floating through space is a meteoroid. When it hits the atmosphere and glows white-hot with the heat of friction, it is a meteor.Once it hits the ground, it is a meteorite.

In art the white space between objects is called what?

It is negative!

What does the earth look like from space?

In space, the Earth looks like a blue marble. NASA has many photographs of the Earth from space. The earth is spherical like an orange but it is not orange.

When a star has no fuel left and its outer layers escape into space what is its remaining core called?

When the layers escape into space, this is classified as a planetary nebula. What usually is left behind is a white dwarf.