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Q: What are the words for simple subject?
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Words that can be considered as the simple subject are known as?


What is the difference of the simple subject and the subject?

The simple subject may have other words modifying it. For example in the following sentence 'dog' is the simple subject but 'The big black dog' is the complete subject. The big black dog chased the cat.

What is the simple subject and simple predicate and complete subject and complete predicate?

The simple subject is the main noun or pronoun in a sentence, and the simple predicate is the main verb or verb phrase. The complete subject includes the simple subject and all its modifiers, while the complete predicate includes the simple predicate and all its modifiers.

What are the simple subject and complete subject?

The simple subject is the main noun or pronoun in a sentence, while the complete subject includes the simple subject along with all the words that describe or modify it. For example, in the sentence "The big dog chased the cat," "dog" is the simple subject and "The big dog" is the complete subject.

What is the definion of complete and simple subjects?

A simple subject is also a complete subject when it only contains one word.For instance: He went to the store. "He" is the only part of the subject at all. The rest of it is part of the complete predicate.

What is the simple subject of this sentence The tallest contestant won the prize?

The simple subject is "contestant."The word which stands for the 'doer' in the sentence without any modifiers or complements is the simple subject. In the sentence mentioned by you, "The tallest contestant won the prize", the word contestant is the simple subject and the words tallest contestant form a noun phrase representing the complete subject.

What is an example of a complete and simple subject?

In this sentence : The boy next door goes to our school.The subject is boy (a noun)The complete subject is the boy next doorThe simple subject is the noun or pronoun in the subject position and the complete subject is all the other words associated with the subject.

What is the simple subject of this sentence where should we put the charge slips?

Move the words around so that is a statement instead of a question. "You should put the charge slips where." You is the simple subject.

What is the subject and predicate of the following sentence Which of the following words in this list have been misspelled?

The simple subject is "which" and the predicate is "have been misspelled."

What is a simple subject?

A simple subject is a thing. If it were talking about a Baseball or a sentence the baseball is the simple subject.

Does a complete predicate includes words that modify the simple subject?

No, a complete predicate includes the verb and any words that modify or complete the verb, not the simple subject. The simple subject is the main noun in the sentence, while the complete predicate is the verb and everything related to it.

What is the difference between a complete subject and a simple subject?

The Black cat jumped the fencecat is basic, while black cat is more descriptivethe complete subject includes the simple subject, and the words that modify it around it.The black cat jumped the fence.(simple)The black cat jumped the fence.(complete)