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Q: What are thee laws regarding freedom of speech in your own home?
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List 5 basic civil liberties guaranteed in the first amendment?

Speech, religion, peaceful assembly, petition of grievances and press. To expand upon this correct list would be as follows:1. Freedom of Speech2. No laws can be made regarding the establishment of religion3. No laws prohibiting the practice of religion4. Freedom of the Press5. Freedom of peaceable assembly6. Freedom to petition the Government for a redress og grievences.please note that freedom of speech and freedom of press are closely linked.

How are some of our freedoms rooted in the colonial period?

freedom of speech

is it legal or illegal for writer jailed for magazine article criticizing president?

It would depend on the country's laws and regulations regarding freedom of speech and press. In many countries, criticism of political figures is protected under freedom of speech laws; however, in some countries, publishing articles that criticize political leaders could lead to legal consequences such as imprisonment.

What is the principle that the congress cannot make laws that violates freedom of speech?


Are the slander and defamation laws against free speech and therefore unconstitutional?

No, these laws are constitutional. If the Freedom of Speech in the United States were absolute, then yes, slander and defamation laws would be unconstitutional. However, the US Supreme Court has interpreted the Freedom of Speech to be limited in certain, very narrow ways and one of those ways is when Freedom of Speech has the effect to strongly injure a person's reputation, is effected for that purpose, and is not in a legitimate form of criticism.

Is yelling in a crowd as a joke the correct use of freedom of speech?

No. Courts have ruled that this exceeds a person's freedom of speech and laws or police and be used to enforce and restrain this type behavior.

Was the 13 amendment freedom of speech?

No. The 13th Amendment was the Abolition of slavery in the United States. The 1st Amendment of the Constitution is that the Government shall pass no laws limiting the freedom of speech.

Why were democratic republicans outraged by the alien and sedition acts?

they believed the laws violated the freedom of speech

What is the kristallnacht and the Nuremberg laws?

it treated the Jews very badly and the Jews didn't have freedom of speech

What is freedom of speech-?

Freedom of speech is a noun. It means people have a right to express their opinions without fear of censorship or punishment by authorities. However, you can only do this if you are not infringing on the rights of others.

Did the Boston Tea Party effect the first amendments freedom of assemble and freedom of speech?

The British took away our laws so when we made the constitution, we made sure we had laws that stopped that sort of thing from happening again.

When a newspaper writes a religious story about a celebrity that is a known lie what freedom may be restricted?

If a newspaper knowingly publishes false information about a celebrity's religious beliefs, it could be accused of defamation or libel, which could restrict their freedom of speech. Additionally, if the false information incites hate or discrimination against the celebrity based on their religion, it may be considered hate speech and not protected under freedom of speech laws.