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chicken pox

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Q: What are these little red bumps all over your body?
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You have tons of little red bumps all over?

If all over your body, could be bed bugs or flea bites.

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how barbiturate effect the body is that you get bumps all over your skin.................

Why do Shih Tzus get bumps all over their body?

I have a Shih Tzu too and she gets "bumps" all over her. Those bumps are toomers. It is ok though because she/he wont die from it so don't worry.

What is a goose bump?

Goose bumps are the tiny bumps you get all over your body when you get the chills, also sometimes referred to as goose pimples.

What deadly virus causes raised bumps all over the face and body?

The answer is Small Pox

You have bumps all over your body what could it be?

Im not a doctor,haha but i think it might be either; chicken pox,herpes, or u just have a lot of bug hope this helped a little.=)

Where crayfish have bumps?

All over them

What are the little red bumps all over my body?

WikiAnswers isn't a doctor. We can't see your bumps or know what is causing them. I suggest you try an antihistamine like Benadryl (diphenhydramine) to start with, in case you are allergic to something - if that works, you need to figure out what you came in contact with that caused the reaction. If it doesn't work, see a doctor to figure out what's causing the bumps.

Miniature schnauzer why does your schnauzer have hive bumps all over her body?

It's just one of the conditions a schnauzer has. All of them I've known has had 'em.

What is posin ivy?

poison ivy is a piousness plant that gives you itchy bumps all over you body and is very easy to spread

What could be causing mini bumps all over my nieces body?

mumps, measles, or chicken pox. Google your simptoms and these sicknesses.

What can you use for a bumps all over your body?

Go get a lotion at the drug store and then call your doctor. It could be an allergy or something else.