

What are things to make to sell at a garage sale?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: What are things to make to sell at a garage sale?
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What can you sell to make 100 dollars?

Clean out some of your things u don't want & have a garage sale or sell them in eBay

How do you sell sell things to neighbors who barely know you?

Host a garage sale and let them know about it (: Hope this helps.

Can you sell a weight bench at a garage sale?

yes i can sell anything at garage

How can kids have their own yardsale?

It might be difficult for children to have their own garage sale. If you and your friends want to have a garage sale, get as many things together as can. Make sure the items you sell are in working condition. Sell items that other kids or maybe even adults would want to buy. Advertising with flyers, ads, or by word of mouth will help attract attention to you garage sale.

What is a good place to sell things and make lots of money and not eBay or craigslist?

A GARAGE SALE!!! get rid of all your old stuff. and even if its cheap enough you can sell the most stupid things like a broken barbie doll.

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How can a kid make money at a garage sale?

Sell old toys that you don't want for an VERY small price. Don't forget to advertise your sale! :)

How do you sell a men's suit?

eBay, Amazon, a Garage sale.

What are good things to sell for a kids get rich quick scheme?

do ice cream stands lemonade stands garage sales sell tickets to raffle off something sell cookies sell candy you could babysit walk dogs things that you could sell at a garage sale are toys books clothes puzzles jewlery cakes old things lie clothes teddys

How do you sell things?

Depending on the things you sell. A car, for instance, you could sell it on your local Craigslist. Digital camera, on the hand, you could sell it on Ebay, Amazon, Craigslist. You could also sell Furniture and other big items as a garage sale or advertise them in a newspaper.

Is it illegal to sell new merchandise at a garage sale If the garage sale is predominately new items?

As long as the merchandise is not stolen and was obtained legally, it is legal.

What Canadian tried to sell his Juno award at a garage sale?

David Foster