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ha ha there called punkies...hope i helped you out lolz

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Q: What are those tiny type flies that fly into your eyes?
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What type of eyes do flies have?

Flies have compound eyes.

Do all type of flies have compound eyes?


Do flies have any eyes?

they have two eyes. These are called facet eyes. all flies have more then two eyes, most have two compound eyes and three simple ones Flies have two compound eyes. Compound eyes can consist of thousands of photoreceptor units (ommatidia), or individual eye units that focus sight in different directions.

Why do fruit flies have white eyes?

they dont well actually some fruit flies do. it depends on if they are a mutant type of fruit fly or not. there are also flies that have messed up wings, these types of flies are called vestigial. there are also fruit flies that don't even have eyes. all of these types of fruit flies are mutants and are used for testing.

Would a fly eat a ant?

It depends on the type of fly and the type of ant; some tiny but very important species of flies in the family Phoridae actually are parasites of leafcutter ants (Atta). The flies fly over columns of ants that go out to cut leaves; they dip down suddenly and lay one egg on each of the largest kinds of workers they can find. The egg hatches out into an ant larva (grub) and eats the brain of the ant from inside. The ants are terrified of the tiny flies and they have tiny workers that ride on the big workers to try and keep off the flies.

Why do oinons sting your eyes?

there is sulfur hydroxide in the oinons cells, so when you break those cells it lets out a type of fume that reacts with the salt water in your eyes. which makes your eyes water.

What type of electromagnetic waves are your eyes sensitive to?

Those in the range of spectral wavelengths labeled "visible light".

Why do flies avoid plastic bags of water?

Flies have good eyes, as they are compound. When they see the bags, their internal predator alerts go off: the water bags look like pond water. Generally when frogs want to catch a fly they hide under pond water.....

Relate trilobite eye type to lifestyle type?

Trilobites with flat eyes lived above the surface of the ocean floor, those with stalks burrowed below it. Those with very large or no eyes may have lived in lightless depths; those with all-round vision may have been prey, while those with binocular vision may have been predators. Just like animals living today, really.

How many eyes does a mosquito have?

The mosquito's head is mostly eye. Each eye is made up of many tiny lenses forming a compound eye. This type of eye allows for a very broad field of vision that easily detects movement.

What is a type of tiny insect?

a ant.

What type of eyes are green with brown?

my eyes are