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They are some kind of growth.

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Q: What are those weird things on the axolotls head?
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What are some weird things a woman could wear on her face or head?

A woman can wear a fake tattoo on her face or paint it to be weird. A woman can also wear a weird hat on her head.

What are ears good for?

those things on the sides of your head used for hearing .

What is this weird lump on your head?

Its a zit.

Do axolotls migrate?

It depends. Axolotls can be kept with other axolotls AS ADULTS, and in fact prefer it due to the fact they are very social. When they are not adults, however, they will kill each other when kwpt with each other. There is a simple rule of thumb for axolotls: since they are at the top of their natural food chain, If something moves and is smaller than its head, you can bet an axolotl can and will eat it. Also note that some fish (especially cichlids) may nibble on the axolotls gills if kept with them and hurt them alot, so keep kind fish like mollies and guppies with them.

What is a boy named mucle head?

a boy named mucle head is a weird one.

Why do i have lines on the top area of my penis and also there are weird small shaped things where the head

That's completely normal. Don't worry unless it hurts.

What are those things on Cynthia's head?

To be honest, they look like Umbreon tails, but I'm not sure myself.

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umm can u say the question more clear? cuz when i pronounce it in my head, it sounds like a guy with a weird weird weird voice.....

How do you take a picture of myself with another body?

photoshop your head on to the body or go find one of those cutout things and put your head in the hole :P

Why is Justin Bieber a fool?

Because he's weird and has a abnormal head.

You love your boyfriend and you want to be with him but for some reason there is something that is telling you that you shouldnt be with him your head and your heart are telling you 2 different things?

ok so like Brandon gerhat has a huge head and its like soooo weird and we call him big head Brandon becasue hes sooo retartes!!! hahaha

What is the name of those things you stick your head in with like the body of a celebrity and people take pictures of?

They are called Comic Foregrounds