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Why did you choose the three cars that you did?

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Q: What are three Cara sticks used to describe soil?
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Compare and contrast the topsoil of the three types of soil?

Topsoil contains three types of soil particles: sand, silt and clay. Sand particles are coarse. Silt and clay particles are fine. Texture is used to describe the relative .. .

Where do walking sticks they lay egg?

Walking sticks usually lay their eggs in the soil, or on the underside of leaves.

How does animal carry away soil?

It sticks to their hair ,or fur .

How do earthworms setea make it well adapted to it habitat?

it sticks to the soil.

Describe how soil horizons form?

a soil horizon is a special layer in the soil which measures parallel to the soil surface.

What type of soil is most likely to form a ball that sticks together?


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Describe the three main plant nutrients in fertile soil?

THey are nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Describe three places carbon exists in the environment outside of the living environment?

Soil, CO2 and CO in the atmosphere. Bam! Eat it! Not soil though, or you'd get nitrogen poisoning. Also, you could get tapeworms.

What are the three layers of soil but not humus?

all i know the three types of soil are top soil sub soil and bedrock

How do you describe the soil in a coniferous forest?

The soil in a coniferousforest is not rich.When the leaves fall off the soil turnsrich

What is soil consistency?

. The term soil consistency is used to describe the resistance of a soil at various moisture contents to mechanical stresses or manipulations. It is commonly measured by feeling and manipulating the soil by hand or by pulling a tillage instrument through it. The consistency of soils is generally described at three soil moisture levels: wet, moist and dry.